Disc Herniation Chiropractor in Culver City
There are many causes of back pain, and lumbar disc herniation is one of the more well-known ones. What most people don’t know, however, is that less than 5 percent of all back pain sufferers actually have this condition. People with lumbar disc herniation feel the pain not only in their backs but along their legs as well. They experience muscle spasms in those areas, as well as muscle weakness and numbness. Many also report having a “pins and needles” feeling in their thighs and legs.
The pain caused by a herniated disc worsens when one coughs or sneezes, as well as during bending activities. Oftentimes, people attempt to relieve the pain by bending backward or leaning to the side opposite to where the pain is felt. However, the pain never really goes away and can even get worse over time.
People with lumbar disc herniation feel the pain not only in their backs but along their legs as well. They experience muscle spasms in those areas, as well as muscle weakness and numbness. Many also report having a “pins and needles” feeling in their thighs and legs.
The pain caused by a herniated disc worsens when one coughs or sneezes, as well as during bending activities. Oftentimes, people attempt to relieve the pain by bending backward or leaning to the side opposite to where the pain is felt. However, the pain never really goes away and can even get worse over time.